Saturday, February 13, 2010

some artists use the process of creation as an outlet. they do not know what their creation will look like when it is complete. they simply stop when they feel finished. other artists have a specific goal in mind and they work towards that goal, using whatever tools and processes seem fitting. of course there is a broad spectrum between these two different approaches to artistic creation. i find myself somewhere in the middle, probably closer to the latter, end-focused approach.

while i can appreciate artists who have no care for their final product (an example might be jackson pollock)- in fact i have a huge amount of respect for them. i think that these types are often some of the most highly artistic and creative, out of the box people i know- i have a harder time appreciating the actual art that they create. prints that have no sense of object or subject do not hold my attention well. i feel like there should be something to get, and i'm not getting it.

i wish that these people would create prints of their artwork at several stages throughout the process, or videotape or photograph the process. i wonder if that would help me to appreciate the true creativity of this artistic approach. i also wonder if it is truly possible for an outsider (anyone except for that artist him/her self) to really know what was going on during the process of these types of creations. perhaps you would have to be able to read the mind and emotion of the artist in order to really get the art.

Saturday, January 16, 2010

winter again

there is so much about winter that is depressing. the lack of outdoor colours for example. i'm feeling it kick in, but i'm also trying to keep inspired and interested with other things. i'm trying to practice my portraiture. i've been experimenting with flash.

here is a photo i did last week. a cold winter night. it's my new facebook picture, probably as much because if love the scotch as because of any quality that the photo might have. by the way, it's mcleland's islay single malt.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

it's finally here: another step in the direction of professionalism. my new website is up and running. a few small tweaks are in order, but all in all i'm really pleased with the results. thanks to my good friend tyson leslie ( for all the work he put into it.

check it out! let me know what you think. feedback is good. very good in fact. desired even.

and hey, if you like what you see, i'm available. i'd love take photos of you and your family, your wedding, your sports event, you get it.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

in guelph, for now

i am in guelph for a time, living with my family and saving some money. i am also living in the tension between the life of a full time construction worker and that of a developing artist. it is a push and a struggle to be artistic, to continue to exercise my creativity. and so, after a long break, i have decided to re-emerge into the blogging world. hopefully, as well as working through some new photographic ideas this will provide me with an opportunity to practice writing, and being intentional about myself as a photographer. as always, i would love for this to be a place of community and discussion. please join me through this process.

Monday, May 4, 2009


this is maya.
i haven't done much fine-art style photography lately but i was grateful for the opportunity to practice taking advantage of the great shots that children can provide. i always miss more great shots than i am able to capture when i'm with maya, but it usually ends up in a few great photos. this was a fun trip to the park, with lots of "maya do 'self". another thing i love about children is that they wear such bright colours. beautiful, if you ask me.

Friday, April 24, 2009

a bit of fun

this group of my friends has just completed production on the compost bins they are standing in. it is the class of '09 gift to st. stephen's university
this is a fun photo. i like it because although it is posed, it retains some creativity and spontaneity. perhaps this is a good reason to shoot when people aren't ready, and to shoot five or six candid shots for each posed one. it works for me anyways.

Tuesday, April 21, 2009

away with what we know

in the deep
there is a quiet life
a contemplative
sunny afternoon yearning,
hope and mystery and, yes,

i know who it is, that spirit in the woods,
whose whispers are the hungry birdsongs
peace, unknown peace
you are the tranquil, moonlit night